I'm utterly thrilled and humbled to announce that A Land Beyond Ravens has won the Colorado Book Award for historical fiction! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
This is part of the press release my publisher is putting out:
Longtime Colorado resident Kathleen Guler has won the Colorado Book Award in historical fiction for her novel, A Land Beyond Ravens. Guler accepted the award in Aspen on Friday. (June 25, 2010)
Reviews have hailed the book as “one of the most historically realistic Arthurian novels ever written, a thoroughly mature work...” The book tells the story of a spy and master of disguise in fifth century Britain who, while being squeezed between the politics of two powerful kings, accidentally sparks off what becomes the quest for the holy grail.
“Twenty years ago today, I adopted Colorado as my home, and now I feel like Colorado has adopted me back,” Guler said in her acceptance speech. She then read a brief passage from her book.
The prestigious Colorado Book Award is sponsored by Colorado Humanities’ Center for the Book, established as the state-based affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
A Land Beyond Ravens, as well as the other books in the Macsen's Treasure Series, are available by order from any bookshop or online at amazon.com. It is also available in ebook format at Smashwords.com: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/15861.
Still dancing on the tabletops here :-)))